Synthetic Oil vs Conventional Oil

While synthetic oil has been on the market for a long time now, there is still a lot of confusion about it and how it compares with synthetic oil. As a professional, you need to be prepared to answer the questions your customers will have about the situation, which type of oil is best for their needs and more. Synthetic oil vs conventional oil, here are some of the questions you might be faced with:

Synthetic Oil vs Conventional Oil

1. Can I Use Synthetic Oil in My High Mileage Car?

Yes, you can use synthetic oil in vehicles with higher mileage. There are even formulations designed specifically for well-traveled vehicles. However, if there are oil leaks, this might be an expensive way to go, as synthetic oil is higher priced than conventional oil. It’s better to invest in getting the leaks fixed first.

2. Will Synthetic Oil Damage My Engine’s Gaskets?

No, synthetic oil will not damage an engine’s gaskets. In very early formulations, some types of synthetic oils made certain gaskets swell up, which could lead to leaks, but that’s no longer the case thanks to modern additives that control seal swell.

3. If I Use Synthetic Oil, Can I Go Back to Conventional Oil?

Yes, you can switch from synthetic to conventional oil, and vice versa. Doing so will not cause any damage to the engine, the gaskets or any other component, so you never have to worry about buying used car engines for sale.

4. Can I Use Synthetic Oil in an Engine with Roller Rockers?

Yes, you can use synthetic oil in virtually any automotive engine. The myth that synthetic oil lubricates “too” much is false. It has the same tractive coefficient as conventional oil, and can be used in just as many engines.

5. Can I Extend My Oil Life by Switching to Synthetic Oil?

Yes and no – some synthetics are formulated for extended life, while others are not. It really depends on the type of oil and the oil’s manufacturer. If you’re not sure what type of synthetic oil was used in an engine, it’s best to change it every 3 months or 3,000 miles.

6. Can I Mix Synthetic Oil and Conventional Oil?

You can mix them if necessary, but it’s best to use the same type of oil at all times. Some engines actually call for a synthetic blend, such as 5W20, which is a mixture of both synthetic and conventional engine oils.

These are a few of the common questions you’ll be asked regarding synthetic oil vs conventional oil. Synthetic oil is safe, good for the vehicle and can offer extended oil life in some instances.

The Engine Builders